Better Opportunities for the Best Doctor Care

Since the establishment of the care path, each insured must choose and declare his / her GP. This choice must be based on trust and choosing a doctor who knows his case well is preferable.

Choice of the Doctors

Once the doctor is chosen, you must report to the fund. This can be done online on the proposal of your doctor and with his agreement provided you have the vital card. Otherwise, it is possible to return this declaration to the Social Security. This must be signed by the doctor declared.

  • The choice of the doctor is made by obtaining his agreement, there are no particular geographical constraints or in the way he practices (alone, in the hospital or in a group practice). It can be contracted from sector 1 or 2 practicing free fees or while adhering to moderate overruns. The treating or referring doctor may be a specialist or a general practitioner.
  • The doctor who will be appointed, even in a practice where several doctors practice, is nominative. On the other hand, it is possible to consult another doctor of the cabinet in the absence of his usual doctor, without being penalized so far. Family members may have a different doctor. But everyone has to make his own statement.

It is possible to change your doctor at any time without having to justify this decision and without any conditions. You do not have to inform your current doctor before leaving. On the other hand the Health Insurance Fund must be informed by means of a new declaration of treating physician. The patient and the new doctor will sign this declaration in advance.

The declaration also concerns young people from the age of sixteen, before this age, it is not requested. Between 16 and 17 years old, it requires the signature and the agreement of the parents and in particular of the one to which the child is attached. It can be done at the next medical consultation. For more on this visit

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The reimbursement rate does not change during a consultation as part of the coordinated care plan, otherwise the reimbursement is less. For example in the context of a consultation in the course of care. The deals can be this or different, but the end result is perfect. You will be having full support in this case and that is the reason that the satisfaction level will be perfect. You can be sure of that.