Is Getting A Job In Finance Good For You?

Periods of time get different professions to be seen as important among the growing generations. Being a doctor is never getting out of fashion. Today, everyone is trying to be a programmer and get themselves in the IT industry. Before this era, people were much into law and finance.

Not everyone is capable to work as an IT expert. Someone must work in a different field. If you’re a finance enthusiast and you love working with numbers then this is the best field for you. However, you hesitate about getting yourself more deeply into it because you don’t know if it will pay off, right?

In this article, we’ll tell you if it’s good for you or you should be looking for something else despite the wishes you have. Follow up and learn more!

What do the numbers say?

The US finance industries are worth around $1.5 trillion. More than 6.3 million people are working in this sector in the US alone. Having all this in mind explains how big this industry is and at the same, it’s a clear sign that you’ll always have a job if you want to work. See more facts here.

The average salary for those working in it is around $60.000. That’s around $5.000 per month which is not bad at all. Of course, the higher education you get, the more skills you have, the higher the pay will be. Some of the more successful employees in the finance sector get even $100k per year.

What is your main goal?

When we say working in this field, we mean a pretty large area where people can find themselves in. Saying you work in finance is just like saying you’re working in the IT sector. It can mean so many things. Only programmers have dozens of different professions where they are experts in.

For this, first, you need to understand the fundaments of this job. Check this out and read more on the article about what this means.

There are more sectors and you’ll need to work a little of every one of them to understand what is the best place for you. For example, working in the public finance sector means you’ll have to deal with a lot of people. It’s not easy for some to keep their peace and calmness when they have to deal with all kinds of personalities.

That’s why you need to make a good choice when searching for the best option. Take into consideration many different factors. Your preferences, the experience of people you know and already worked in different fields, and others. Ask them what they think? Follow their advice but never take it for granted. What was their dream might be a nightmare for you. 

The Chance to Help Others

Not too many people see working with money from this perspective, but this is important. The facts about the human brain say that left-oriented brain people have a better understanding of numbers and math, but those who are right-oriented are very poor at this. It’s not if they try enough, they simply can’t understand math like others. Helping them conduct the tasks connected with money is doing a good deed for them.

Many people take advantage of this fact and additionally rob clients off. This is completely unethical but it seems like no one can change it and there will always be bad persons in this world. It’s just like corruption, no matter how much you fight against it, there will always be someone who’s going to use it.


With the points mentioned above, it’s clear that this field is for everyone. The difference is whether you’re for finance or not. There are lots of pros working in this field, but at the end of the day, you need to be sure that you’re happy doing it.

If you think that you might find yourself in some other field more, then it’s better to chase those dreams instead of trying to make it in the world of the money. Working with this is not for everyone, so make sure you know what you love and what you don’t love.